Sookmyung Women's University Commitment to SDGs
Sookmyung Women’s University aims to declare and realize the vision of “Becoming a leading global university in the digital humanities”. To realize this vision, Sookmyung is at the forefront of innovative efforts in inter-disciplinary digital technology, as a startup incubator, and ESG activities.
In order to achieve 3 goals for innovation, SMU advocates sustainability by putting ESG related values into practice.
SMU has committed to support and promote the principles of the SDGs in four ways as below.
First, we will support and promote the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Second, we will undertake research that provides solutions to sustainable development challenges.
Third, we will provide the educational opportunity for our students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.
Fourth, we will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by ensuring our campuses and major programs are environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive, and report on our activities in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.