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Russian and Kazakh Students Delve into Korean Culture at Sookmyung Women's University's "Global Language Camp"

  • Views 1150
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2024-07-29

The Sookmyung Global Language Institute hosted the Summer Sookmyung Global Language Camp, welcoming students from Russia, Kazakhstan, and other CIS countries. From July 8 until July 28, 151 participants were offered a deep dive into Korean culture, featuring K-pop dance classes and tours of Seoul's notable landmarks over the span of about three weeks. 

Students were grouped according to their level of Korean language proficiency and attended 40 hours of Korean language classes. The institute designed the program to offer an all-around experience for students interested in the Korean Wave, allowing them to explore various facets of Korean culture.  

Participants visited major attractions including Gyeongbokgung Palace, N Seoul Tower, Myeongdong, and Everland, gaining insight into both historical and modern aspects of Korea.

A Russian student studying Korean remarked, "Gyeongbokgung Palace felt like a town within a city, and the view from N Seoul Tower was fantastic.”

K-pop dance classes, at the core of the global K-wave fever, were also well received. The members of Sookmyung Women's University's dance club, MAX, provided a special experience teaching choreography on this occasion. With songs like New Jeans' "How Sweet" and SEVENTEEN's "Super,” both wildly popular abroad, the sessions provided an immersive experience in the global K-wave phenomenon. 

Milana from St. Petersburg shared, "Before K-pop, I found music boring, but now I really enjoy Korean culture and food. For many Russians who love K-pop and K-dramas, Korea is a dream destination.” 

Additional activities included watching the film "Confidential Assignment 2: International," which depicts a joint investigation between South Korea, North Korea, and the United States, and trying on traditional hanbok. "I remember the trip to the N Seoul Tower the most, and the people were so nice," said Uma. "I joined the program because I want to study at Sookmyung Women's University in the future, and I will probably come back again.”

The camp also served as an introduction to the institute's language programs and the newly established Division of Global Convergence, created exclusively for foreign students.  A second camp session is scheduled to be held from July 30 to August 19, with 60 participants. 

"We hope the camp provided a fun and enriching experience," said a representative from the Sookmyung Global Language Institute. "We look forward to welcoming participants back as students in our language and degree programs.”